To dispute an inquiry posted, you will need to contact the associated bureau. TransUnion:https://dispute.transunion.com800-680-7289 Experian: Equifax:
All posts by idpssupport
How do I set up fraud alerts with the national credit bureaus?
Setting up fraud alerts with one of the national credit bureaus is a great way to prevent identity theft if you lost your wallet or misplaced sensitive information. The bad guys will be unable to use your identity to open new credit cards or loans in your name. A good way to prevent this is […]
Is IDPS a credit repair company?
IDPS is not a credit repair business. IDPS helps proactively protect your credit and finances. IDPS does not repair bad credit.
I received an Alert, what are my next steps?
Most alerts are rather common and will not require action. Some alerts are more urgent than others however, and may require different responses for you to take. Each alert will recommend next steps for you to take. If you have any questions, please submit a support ticket and an IDPS representative will respond as soon as possible.
What is Score Simulator?
Score Simulator helps you take the guesswork out of credit score changes — see how your own TransUnion credit score would change based on a variety of different future actions or events. With Score Simulator, you won’t just know where your credit score stands, but also where it could go. Modify the selections and click […]
How do I view my Credit Score History?
Login to IDPS Dashboard with your credentials. On the left navigation click Credit Score History. Your Credit Score History will display. You can view your data in Chart format or Table Details. What is your “Credit Score History” Your credit history is all the information—such as credit accounts, balances due and details of your payment history—contained in your credit […]
How do I view my Alerts?
Login to IDPS Dashboard with your credentials. On the left navigation click ALERT(s). All your Alerts messages will display here. You can manage, delete and sort them as you wish. If you have any questions, please submit a support ticket and an IDPS representative will respond as soon as possible.
How do I lock my TU Credit Report?
Login to IDPS Dashboard with your credentials. On the home screen of the IDPS dashboard under Lock Your Credit, click Lock/Unlock TU Credit Report. How does My Credit Lock work? It’s simple, lock your TransUnion credit report. If someone applies for credit in your name, access is denied. Unlocking your report is just as easy as locking […]
How do I add a Phone number to be monitored?
Login to IDPS Dashboard with your credentials. On the home screen of the IDPS dashboard click Phone #. The Phone Number monitoring window will show. Enter Phone number to be tracked. Benefits of Phone # Monitoring IDPS searches public and private sites on the dark web for your information. If IDPS identifies potentially unauthorized exposure of your information, such as […]
How do I add an Email Address to be monitored?
Login to IDPS Dashboard with your credentials. On the home screen of the IDPS dashboard click Email. The Email Address window will show. Enter Email Address to be tracked. Benefits of Email Monitoring IDPS searches public and private sites on the dark web for your information. If IDPS identifies potentially unauthorized exposure of your information, such as identity thieves attempting […]